What’s in store for version 0.68?

A lot of work continues behind the scenes for the next CorsixTH release. This next version due to release in the next few months includes a lot of bug fixes and general tidying up.

The Map Editor gets some love

Work has gone into the less-than-always-noticed Map Editor. With the next release the following gets added:

  • Control the audio and jukebox
  • Better parcel and flags overlay control
  • Fixing a bug in the player count menu item
  • Map validity checks (currently only checks spawn points)
  • Confirmation messages for quit/restart

No more crashing double doors

A bug introduced in 0.67 meant that building rooms with double doors could make the game crash when paused. This has been thoroughly analysed and the bug well and truly squashed!

Black bars be gone!

The next release fixes the graphics corruption some users with NVIDIA graphics cards got when playing in fullscreen. Thanks to the keen eye of @Squalll-Leonhart and work by @flackr you’ll be able to play again without the black voids of doom!


There’s still plenty more not mentioned in the next release! You can always track progress of this release in full here: 0.68 Release Project

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